The Story
Behind Our Winery

Guided walking Tour through the Vineyards in the Valley of Gods and the Menegolli Wineries. Book your tour in advance (minimum 7 adults) which will take place in Valpantena – VERONA.

Guided walking Tour through the Vineyards in the Valley of Gods and the Menegolli Wineries. Book your tour in advance (minimum 7 adults) which will take place in Valpantena – VERONA.

Plan mera za rodnu ravnopravnost u AD Rubin Kruševac
U skladu sa Zakonom o ravnopravnosti polova i relevantnim pravilnicima, AD Rubin Kruševac donosi Plan mera za otklanjanje i ublažavanje

Prokupac i Amante Carmen 2024
Rubinov Prokupac je stara srpska zvanično priznata autohtona sorta grožđa sa dugom istorijom koja vuče poznate korene iz Srednjeg veka.
Our Winery
Book your tour in advance (minimum 7 adults) which will take place in Valpantena – VERONA.

Guided walking Tour through the Vineyards in the Valley of Gods and the Menegolli Wineries. Book your tour in advance (minimum 7 adults) which will take place in Valpantena – VERONA.
The Story Behind
Our Winery

Guided walking Tour through the Vineyards in the Valley of Gods and the Menegolli Wineries. Book your tour in advance (minimum 7 adults) which will take place in Valpantena – VERONA.

Q u a l i t y W i n e f r o m O r g a n i c a l l y G r o w n G r a p e s
The Story
Behind Our Winery

Guided walking Tour through the Vineyards in the Valley of Gods and the Menegolli Wineries. Book your tour in advance (minimum 7 adults) which will take place in Valpantena – VERONA.

Guided walking Tour through the Vineyards in the Valley of Gods and the Menegolli Wineries. Book your tour in advance (minimum 7 adults) which will take place in Valpantena – VERONA.

Plan mera za rodnu ravnopravnost u AD Rubin Kruševac
U skladu sa Zakonom o ravnopravnosti polova i relevantnim pravilnicima, AD Rubin Kruševac donosi Plan mera za otklanjanje i ublažavanje

Prokupac i Amante Carmen 2024
Rubinov Prokupac je stara srpska zvanično priznata autohtona sorta grožđa sa dugom istorijom koja vuče poznate korene iz Srednjeg veka.
Our Winery
Book your tour in advance (minimum 7 adults) which will take place in Valpantena – VERONA.

Guided walking Tour through the Vineyards in the Valley of Gods and the Menegolli Wineries. Book your tour in advance (minimum 7 adults) which will take place in Valpantena – VERONA.
The Story Behind
Our Winery

Guided walking Tour through the Vineyards in the Valley of Gods and the Menegolli Wineries. Book your tour in advance (minimum 7 adults) which will take place in Valpantena – VERONA.