Mundus Vini 2020; Gold medals for Rubin Merlot and Amante Carmen

M u n d u s V i n i 2 0 2 0 ; G o l d m e d a l s f o r R u b i n M e r l o t a n d A m a n t e C a r m e n


At the 26th International MUNDUS VINI 2020 competition held in Germany, Rubin Winery won two gold medals for wines: Rubin Merlot 2017 and Amante Carmen 2016. The size of this prestigious competition is reflected in impressive figures: a competition of 7,500 wines judged by a jury of 268 experts from 54 countries of the world.

This is already the fourth medal from the world competitions for premium wine Amante Carmen, blends of the varieties Prokupac, Marselan and Merlot. The first world medal for the new Merlot wine 2017, launched in September 2019, is the most significant confirmation of the quality of this product. Merlot wine 2017 is part of the fastest growing palette in the winery "wines with a seal".

- We are proud that the wines from Serbia won gold medals at another world competition. This award justifies the trust of our consumers. We have leased and planted over 800 hectares of vineyards in the winery since 2008 and today we have a total of 1,200 hectares of land under vineyards. We focus on the development of viticulture on a part of central and southern Serbia, and our priority is the region of Tri Morava, where the winery itself is located, where most of our vineyards are located. Awards and medals at world competitions, which are held year after year, speak of the dedication of our employees in the production and nurturing of top-class wines - said the general director of the Rubin winery, Zoran Bekric.

Picture of Katerina Monroe
Katerina Monroe

@katerinam •  More Posts by Katerina

Congratulations on the award, it's well deserved! You guys definitely know what you're doing. Looking forward to my next visit to the winery!