Rubin Winery in Shanghai

R u b i n W i n e r y i n S h a n g h a i


After a successful appearance at the ProWein 2018 fair in Dusseldorf, the company Rubin performs independently at the fair in Shanghai, ProWein China 2018. The winery with the largest areas under vineyards in Serbia (1,200 hectares) and the largest number of wines with protected geographical origin, presents to foreign markets:

- Series of 7 varietal wines, winners of the Purple Plaque awarded by the Ministry of Finance for the best top K.G.P.K. wines with a geographical origin

– Amante Aurora and Amante Carmen, new premium wines of highest quality, which are the result of hard work and the experience of Rubin’s technologists;

– Vronsky white and rose, sparkling wines produced in cooperation with the French experts by using the traditional method of sparkling wines production;

– Rubin’s Vinjak, the best-selling strong alcoholic beverage in Serbia, which celebrates its anniversary this year, 60 years of tradition and quality;

– Vodka, that will be produced by using new technology as of May, based on the triple filtration which levels the quality of Rubin’s Vodka to the quality of international producers;

– Finally, very popular products in cans: Spritzer and Vinjak-coke.

Regarding this presentation, general manager of Rubin winery Danijela Jovanović, Phd, stated: „We have accomplished exports to more than 20 countries in the world, from the U.S.A. to Australia. Chinese market has also recognised the quality of our wines, on such a scale that the export to this country is composed predominantly of the premium wines of ours. We have specific plans and clear mission to be a modern and efficient company that is constantly growing. Our company’s vision is to become a regional leader for each category of strong alcoholic beverages and wines. With the independent appearance at Shaghai fair, we will confirm the title of the biggest producer of alcoholic beverages in Serbia and in the region, with a goal to take a significant place on the world’s wine map.”

ProWein China is taking place this year on November 13-15th in Shanghai. This fair will present 750 producers, importers and distributors of wines and strong alcoholic beverages from 36 countries around the world.

Picture of Katerina Monroe
Katerina Monroe

@katerinam •  More Posts by Katerina

Congratulations on the award, it's well deserved! You guys definitely know what you're doing. Looking forward to my next visit to the winery!