In cooperation with the company Tehno filter from Russia, a new technology was introduced in the production process of Atlantic Vodka. The plant of the last generation, an invention and patent of Academician Prof. Vladimir Tarasov, is based on highly specific and chemically active filtrations which produce top quality vodka. The quality of Atlantic Vodka has been raised to the level of world producers of drinks of this type.
The process of alcohol processing is based on the use of highly specific filter candles:
1. Carbon cartridge - removes all bitter components from alcoholic beverages making them more pleasant to smell
2. Silver cartridge - additionally purifies alcohol
3. Zirconium phosphate cartridge - removes aggressive burning tones and gives the alcohol roundness and fullness to taste
4. Platinum cartridge - polishes alcohol, making it extremely balanced, soft, giving it a pleasant sweet finish.
The plant started operating in May this year, and consumers can already afford this product of the highest quality standard from June.